Payment and Billing


I don't charge for the first one-hour session for a new student. After that, my rate is $140/hour. Please pay on the day of your session or before. You are welcome to pay for any number of sessions in advance.

To keep my accounting manageable, I'm asking all my students to pay via Bank-to-bank transfer via email address using Zelle or whatever technology your bank uses to pay to an email address. Please use my email address at, not my phone number. Please contact me if you don't know it. (Sorry to be evasive here but I'm trying to avoid zoom bombers.) Most likely, you can use your bank's usual online banking to use zelle, but you should also be able to use the Zelle app. If you can't use Zelle, please contact me.

By the way, my full name is Jonathan Dreyer, so if Zelle wants to use that name, please give it permission!


I usually don't send bills because I ask to be paid in advance or on the day of the session. However, sometimes things get complicated and I send an invoice, and you can always request one. I always appreciate another set of eyes. If any of it does not seem right, please let me know.


I use my own homebrew accounting software. If you're interested in the nuts and bolts, here's a synopsis: First a short Google Apps Script program exports my calendar to a spreadsheet, one session per line, then a Ruby program processes all those calendar sessions along with a few spreadsheets containing payments and some other stuff, and cranks out all the invoices at once. Aside from fun (really!) the main reason I did it this way is so that I don't have to enter all the sessions once in my calendar and then again in some accounting system. This also means we need to be extra careful that my calendar is correct.

Thank you!

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I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious. —Albert Einstein