Class/teacher/school Web pages
Pages for classes/teachers/schools that some of my students are in
- Lexington Public Schools (snow day info is here too)
- Concord-Carlisle High School
- Winchester
- Arlington,
- Betsy Canaday, writing/literature/English tutor
- Read about late-in-life career transitions, including mine, in the Boston Globe. (Though ignore the photo caption. I'm passionate about both of my careers. I even put
in the name of this one!) - 3blue1brown, by far the best math videos I've seen
- Please put up copies of this flyer wherever you think it might be appropriate
- Printable graph paper (two pages so you can print two-sided)
- "Figured out" not figured out; figures not out, a letter to the Globe about some shocking assumptions made in a book review of pictures of mathematicians
- my ed school portfolio, more or less
- Keywords (blatant pandering to search engines)
Math links
- Common Core Standards
- Khan Academy
- Dan Meyer's Curriculum Needs A Makeover TED talk (12 min) and blog
- Wolfram Alpha: Ask it anything!, Wolfram Alpha Notebook Edition
- Hung-Hsi Wu's papers on mathematics education
- Experiencing Maths, lots of cool experiments with math concepts
- Wolfram MathWorld, a great encyclopedia of mathematics
- IXL, online curriculum used by some schools
Software tools
- Open source software in education
- My GeoGebra page
- desmos online graphing calculator
- Virtual manipulatives: Virtual manipulatives are computer simulations of real-world things that can help us understand mathematics. Here are some of the ones I've used.
- National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
- Polypad from Mathigon
- Positively Negative, an online number line I wrote to play with adding, subtracting and multiplying negative numbers (requires Java)
- Algebra balance scales, in which we solve equations using a balance beam (version with negatives)
- Algebra Tiles, in which we use rectangular and square tiles to understand the distributive law
Here is a growing collection of resources for some courses I tutor.
- Algebra
- Positively Negative, an online number line I wrote to play with adding, subtracting and multiplying negative numbers (requires Java)
- Statistics
- StatSoft Electronic Statistics Textbook
- Colorado State's Statistics guide
- For Today’s Graduate, Just One Word: Statistics (New York Times)
- Physics
- AP Calculus
- Community Calculus, free online calculus textbooks
- Calculus AB
- Calculus BC
- AP Computer Science A (AP Computer Science AB has been discontinued)
- College Board info
- Development tools
- Java SE Development Kit (JDK) (download something named "JDK 6 Update whatever" or similar and maybe "Java SE 6 Documentation")
- Mac users should use the JDK from Apple instead
- BlueJ integrated Java development environment, a great environment in which to learn Java
- Eclipse IDE for Java, from the Eclipse Foundation
- CodingBat,
a free site of live coding problems to build coding skill in Java, and now in Python (example problem), created by Nick Parlante who is computer science lecturer at Stanford. The coding problems give immediate feedback, so it's an opportunity to practice and solidify understanding of the concepts.
- Java information at Sun
- Java SE Development Kit (JDK) (download something named "JDK 6 Update whatever" or similar and maybe "Java SE 6 Documentation")
- Other programming languages/environments
- Squeak
- Squeakland: home of Squeak Etoys
- Scratch
- Robocode
- StarLogo
- Baheyeldin's teaching kids programming
- Turing Machine simulator
- Course/grade management systems
- Massachusetts uses the HiSET test from ETS for high school equivalency.
- GED Testing Service (no longer used in Massachusetts)
Math leagues
- Wikipedia article: Math Teams in Lexington Public Schools (Massachusetts)
- Continental Mathematics League (source of assessments used at Diamond Middle School)
- Intermediate Math League of Eastern Massachusetts (IMLEM)
- MathCounts
- The Math League, with good sample contests (NEML, New England Math League etc.)
- MAA American Mathematics Competitions
Math programs
- The Math Club
- The Russian School of Mathematics
- MIT KEYS for 11-13-year-old girls
- Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
Summer programs
- PROMYS at Boston University • Math tutor • Computer Science tutor • What's with the '90s Web site? • contact